COLOSAL RASH - Danslärare
Colosal Rash is a professional dancer and choreographer originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, where he grew up with dance as part of his culture. This means that he gets his inspiration from his cultural roots as he mixes with breakdance elements.
In 2005 he started to dance with La Folie Crew. Colosal came to Denmark in 2013, where he has traveled around Denmark to tell his own story and about Congo's political situation through dance.
In addition to touring around and teaching dance workshops and exchanges, Colosal has been one of the amazing dancer from Dr Congo and together with his crew -La folie crew they compete and battle. He won many competitions in his home country, as well as winning breakdance contests from 2008-2013, both as solo dancer and as part of his crew. From 2016 he also performed well on the Danish breakdance scene, where he came to top 4 for the DM in breakdance 2016.
Colosal has been teaching afro around Denmark and know as one of the best afro dancer in Denmark. Colosal has an afro crew : Sebene unify and is teaching an afro crew with Felicia -the united lions.
Colosal has performed with various artists from around the world, such as Singuila from France, Yemi Alade from Nigeria and Mims Beyana from the United States.
Since its arrival in Denmark, Colosal has been permanently affiliated with the World Dance Academy, and the Nordic region has now begun to catch up with Colosal’s teaching and dance talents. This means that he has also started teaching workshops in other parts of Denmark and Sweden.
OBS! Kurserna med denna instruktör hålls på Engelska.
NOTE! Classes with this instructor is held in English.